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About Us | YCHS Alumni Website

About Us


Making York castle high a Better School For All of Us

Make a Donation

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Our Story

The York Castle High School (YCHS) Alumni Associations website www.yorkcastlealumni.org is a medium which allows all Yorkist to unite and collaborate for the benefit of York Castle High School by working through their respective chapters and class groups:

York Castle High School




All content of www.yorkcastlealumni.org is dependent on you! You can help. Send any related information including pictures to info@yorkcastlealumni.org.

The development of the website, was done by York Castle Alumni NY Chapter along with other YCHS Alumni Association-Jamaica Chapter’s Communications Committee, and the input of the Florida and Toronto Chapters. The New York Chapter should also be acknowledged for registering our website (www.yorkcastlealumni.org) on the Internet. 


What We Do

Fund Raising

Along with your donations and the Mega raffle, we will have items like T-shirts, Hats, Jerseys, Polo Shirts, Sweat Shirts, mugs, License Plate Holders and lapel pins   for sale.This will allow us to venture into additional projects to help the school. 


You can volunteer at the school’s labor day event or other voluntary organizations that uplift the youths in your community. To give the association credit, you can run it by the board of directors and you can even get some funding for the volunteer effort.


York Castle Alumni Association NY is 501(C)(3)  registered not for Profit charitable organization registered in the state of New York. The association has supported educational, extracurricular and infrastructure programs at York Castle High School from it’s inception. 


The association meets the first friday of every month for it’s monthly meeting. We need Class Volunteers for every graduating year to spread the word. Spread the word about the wonderful work this Alumni Association is doinng for the school. With this type of support we can do wonders for the school.

With Your Help, We are Making York Castle a Better School

We will implement Class representatives each team representing their graduation year. Please volunteer for your graduating year. As Class representative, you represent the School in your efforts to promote alumni engagement and encourage financial support from members of your class.

Alumni are more likely to support the Annual Fund when contacted by a classmate, resulting in a stronger Annual Fund and this is only possible through the efforts of our Class Representative volunteers. Your work is critical to our success each year, and in the long-term. Class Representatives Volunteers also play a vital role in keeping classmates engaged by maintaining and promoting communication and by securing updated biographic information.

Your commitment to ensuring York Castle High School remains at the very forefront of secondary education is greatly appreciated.

York Castle Achievements in 2018

Our Mission Statement

To create, perpetuate, and enhance relationships among York Castle High School alumni, current and prospective students, faculty, staff, and friends. This will allow us to foster integrity, loyalty, interest and support for the school, to build pride, spirit and community.

Raised funds

Launch programme with approximately  US$5,000 to start which should be enough funds to sustain at least 3 years’ activities.


Our plan is to help at least 10 needy students each year and the student’s eligibility standards are to set by the Alumni Association.

individual member funding

  • Platinum level: US$1,500
  • Gold level: US$1,000
  • Silver level: US$750
  • Bronze level: $500


Alumni donors to be publicly recognized by Alumni Association (website, etc.), media coverage (leverage alumni in media) and at our annual major fundraising events


To build relationship between current student body and Alumni Association


Build pipeline of new alumni members to sustain Alumni Associations

Labor day Event

5 – 10 alumni to spend ½ day at the school interacting with students: sharing lessons learned, giving career advice, mentoring, money management, etc.


Gives Alumni who are close to or can visit our alma mater to make an invaluable personal contribution

Your Donations Make a HUGE Impact


  • FUND RAISING 82% 82%
  • DONATE 80% 80%
  • VOLUNTEER 40% 40%
  • SUPPORT 80% 80%


  • FUNDRAISING 74% 74%
  • DONATE 72% 72%
  • VOLUNTEER 50% 50%
  • SUPPORT 50% 50%


  • FUND RAISER 84% 84%
  • DONATE 82% 82%
  • VOLUNTEER 60% 60%
  • SUPPORT 80% 80%


  • FUND RAISING 80% 80%
  • DONATE 78% 78%
  • VOLUNTEER 70% 70%
  • SUPPORT 80% 80%

Memorandum of Understanding

 York Castle High School and York Castle High School Alumni Associations


YCHS and YCHSAA Chapters (individually “Party” and collectively “Parties”) acknowledge that no

contractual relationship is created between them by this Memorandum, but they agree to work together in the true spirit of partnership to ensure that YCHSAA Chapters:

a. Demonstrate united, visible, responsive and responsible leadership
b. Exhibit professional financial, administrative and managerial standards in the performance of
activities for the benefit of their members and YCHS
c. Preserve and promote the reputation of YCHS
d. Conduct their activities in accordance with the laws and regulations of the
country/jurisdiction in which they operate


Raymon Treasure

Raymon Treasure

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